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LP 344 Digicare Elastic Rings
LP 344 Digicare Elastic Rings
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Corns generally occur on the tops and the sides of the toes. It is a patch of thickened, dead skin with a packed centre. A soft corn, on the other hand, has a much thinner surface. These are caused by plugged sweat ducts. The symptoms of a corn include hardened, raised bumps which are surrounded by inflamed skin and can be painful when pressed. Another problem that can occur is a Callus. They can develop on hands, feet or anywhere there is repeated friction. Calluses are tough, thickened skin that form on the surface of the bottom of your foot due to excessive friction and rubbing. Elastic rings by LP Support help prevent excessive friction between toes which helps avoid corns and calluses. These elastic rings have a knitted fabric which is fully coated with gel and protects the toes against rubbing. They are easy to clean.
- Knittes fabric fully coated with gel protects digits against rubbing.
- Precut in 3cm each for convenience.
- Available for both Fingers and toes.
- Calluses
- Soft Cons
Hand wash and air dry, the spread with talcum powder. Do not machine dry.